Many one person shop owners with very limited budgets, or startups are choosing a
WordPress website.
The initial cost for a basic site can be less than a full custom web design. Simply put, a WordPress website is a "box" you learn to fit within—custom web designers build "the box". How do you know which is the right choice for you? Here is what to expect from a WordPress website.
Is WordPress right for your business?
Ease of WordPress
- Cost Savings
- You can make changes to your website without calling a web designer.
- Mobile Responsive
- User Friendly Dashboard
- Lots of support forums for WordPress
- Over 30,000 plug-ins to add functionality
Stuff to Know
- Work within the structure of the theme
- You need to learn the user interface
- Backing up the database, keeping a local copy
- Images need to be edited and optimized
- You need to learn some basic SEO
- Set aside lots of time to learn and keep up with Internet changes
- Set aside time for support forums to get answers.
Our WordPress Package
- Install or Upgrade WordPress
- Standard Configuration of Options and Settings
- Theme Location
- Theme Setup and Customization with basic CSS
- Basic Plug-in Configuration
- Create Skeleton Pages and Post
- Basic Menu
- 2 hours Telephone Training
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