
Online business websites need to create a trust factor. Many factors contribute to converting a visitor into a client.

When someone visits your site they have a goal. Information; service or product purchase, some are comparison shoppers. However they land on your site if you have what they are looking for – you want to deliver the information. Typically they will evaluate your site on appearance – “a picture speaks a thousand words” in motion! The tone of your website needs to be clear.

Site navigation is critical. We’ve all been on websites which are confusing: too many graphics – too much clutter, and the information is not easily accessible. Make it user friendly.

As a business you already have standards in practice. You have customer satisfaction guidelines established. All these need to be reflected in the content on your page. People like doing business with people they like. If they feel valued and respected they take a step closer. All this needs to be reflected on your website – much like a personal conversation.

As a visitor digs deeper into your site they should have a well rounded sense of you as  a business owner. Now, you have someone who will pick up the phone, or take the “add to cart” action. That is the “conversion” you are seeking from your website. Success!

My website is launched: Now What?

Creating your first website is often a major step.  But once it is launched: now what?

A website needs to be driven.  As a small business owner your time is limited and driving a website CAN consume a lot of time.  My objective is to help steer you to the most effective and time efficient ways to accomplish this.

The internet changes so frequently.  What worked 5 years ago no longer will net the same results.  This can easily frustrates website owners.

When I launched my site 10 years ago there were so few sites (in comparison to today) you could upload your site and eventually search engines found it and all was fine. People  found you.  Now?

Driving your website needs attention.  There are simple things to do and longer strategies.  I hope to help you make choices for your website, and keep it simple.