Will I be #1 on Google?
That’s everyone’s goal. Once your website goes live you will be inundated by solicitations guaranteeing your number presence on Google search.
Organic Search. This is what I do with SEO when creating a website. From page titles to keywords and content, all are components of optimizing a website for an organic web search to return your site where relevant and in your locale, if you are not nation wide.
A lot can be accomplished to achieve organic search results, and you want to utilize all tools.
People will tell you they can get your website #1 on Google maps. The fine print, which takes digging into is this:
You will appear #1 somewhere, sometime for some keyword search. Most often in their guarantee if your business category is highly competitive – that keyword will turn into long tail keywords:
auto transmission repair in Pomona, Ca
If you’re an auto repair shop that leaves a huge number of services you either, now buy more keywords for, or…don’t. This can add up to a staggering advertising campaign.
Another point which is told later in the sales pitch is: “If after 3 months you aren’t in the top 5…”. That is the length of time organic searches can take, and you aren’t paying for those. If you are paying $150.00/month plus $600.00 set up fee to test the waters for appearing in the top 5 places on Google maps and you don’t appear at all…that is a lot of money. Plus you already have a chance of appearing organically in your locale for free. You’re better off setting up an AdWords campaign.
No easy answers, but remember: there are no guarantees to be placed Number One on Google without paying for it – and if you want every search…that price will be quite high in most markets.