
Brenda Simon is a multi-media artist.

Expanding into graphic arts Brenda has been designing websites since 1999. She makes this process simple for her clients. Full use of CSS, HTML code, CGI, JavaScript, jQuery, Flash, InDesign, Dreamweaver, multi music & video editing programs (Adobe Premiere, After Effects).

There is no outsourcing, so you are never handed off to an associate. No template sites:  your website is created to reflect your business. Your website needs to have your business voice. The time spent with Brenda is reflected in the end result. Your hand print on your website.

The ever changing Internet means keeping on top of many facets relevant to website construction. Brenda stays on top of changes beyond web code, but also to the performance of websites within search engines, social networking and ways to drive your website. She continues to help her clients make choices for their online presence.

 website: www.brendasimon.com