
One of the major changes online has been for customer reviews. These can come from any number of sources:
Search engines now cull these into their search results, particularly on Google Places (used to be Google Maps), Bing and Yahoo Local listings. These help drive your website.  Think of it as a “buzz” – someone is talking about your business. Even the negative can be a positive.

There are reviews services which charge a monthly fee to get reviews for your business. As a business owner you supply your clients’ email address or phone numbers and the company will contact them. (You can also put this review info on a note attached to each invoice you give to a client.) Once your client reviews your business the reviewing service contacts you and you can approve or disapprove allowing the review to be posted.

That can be the pitfall: if you never have any negative feedback – the believability factors in: are you screening your reviews? IF you have negative feedback and you address it – which most open source (Yelp!, Google, Yahoo! etc.) are now allowing you bring legitimacy to your business.

Everyone knows not every customer will be happy, but the way you engage an unhappy client speaks much about your effort in customer service. Thus the negative: becomes positive.

At this time of year I am reflecting on my business.  I am looking to improve my business and offer more to my clients.  I invite my clients to review my services online – on Facebook, wherever you are comfortable. Thank you to all this past year and your continued trust in me to help you make choices for your online business presence.

Merry Christmas!

Google Instant

It’s been a year of changes to the web. Google has rolled out new ways to search, intuitive ways it thinks we’re searching, local search, Google Maps becoming Google Places with the “tag” available for $25.00/month and Google Instant.

Probably the biggest change has been what happens when you begin to type in Google’s search bar. Instantly you are seeing possibilities.  Once you hover over a website listing you’ll see preview of the website. You don’t even have to click the link.

As a web owner this has significant meaning. The sooner the user can see your web page – the more chance they will click through to your website. If you are using Flash (entire website, or slide shows, moving graphics) – you now have a lag time for the page loading, and risking it not previewing accurately.  Cluttered web pages and small tiny graphics become a blur. Keep your website design simple and bold. It will be readable on a small scale, for this preview. A simple website also will view on mobile phones will less issues. My oldest client’s website is extremely lean and trim – as browsers have evolved we have had virtually no compatibility issues and the site continues to display with speed. 

Simple web design has another plus. 2010 was the year Google owned up to what was guessed for years: how quickly your website downloads (speed) DOES matter for its index/ranking. Once again the simple website will have an advantage.

Ever notice that Amazon’s design remains old school – basic web design? It will display on phones, quickly on desktops, iPads – no conflict and speed is never an issue.

It’s a win-win design!